00 – Introduction
In this video, I explain how the series is going to be structured and how we are going to learn
01 – Print, Variables & Input
You will learn how to print text, how to ask the user for information and then I will challenge you to create a Madlib text:
02 – Conditional Statements
Sometimes we want to run a code depending on if one or more
03 – Lists
We need to list things: The users currently visiting our website, the options of a setting or the days of the week. For listing that information we use…lists.
04 – For and While loops
Sometimes we need to iterate over a list of items. Or perform the same operation a certain number of times. To do so, we use the For and While loops.
05 – Basic Arithmetics
When we code we use every day mathematical operations. They are easy
06 – FizzBuzz challenge
FizzBuzz is the most used problem in developer jobs interviews to filter out people on early stages. So learning how to solve it is pretty important.
07 – Guess the number
Let’s have fun coding a “Guess the number” game.
Here, we will code a game where you have to guess a number between 0 and 100. Beware, you only have 6 tries!
08 – Functions
Functions are important, as we use them to break our program into small pieces of re-usable code, making our code more organized and tidier.
09 – Function Challenges
The last lesson on functions was really long. We covered from basic functions to functions with keyword arguments, including functions with arguments, passing lists, default arguments, and more.
Now, it’s time to practice.
10 – Slicing
Slicing is one of the best features of Python. You can get the same functionality in every other language, but not as easy, cool and elegant as in Python.
11 – Tuples
Tuples are just another data structure we can use to store multiple objects or values. Until now, we only used List. Let’s have a look into them!
12 – Sets
Sets are, alongside with Lists and Tuples, the third element of the “Holy data-structure in Python trinity”. Now it is time to learn them, so let’s dive into it.