Geolocating images is the process of finding out the real-world location of an image.
Let’s find out how ffuf works in our daily #FromZeroToHacker challenge.
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Introduction to geolocating images
Geolocating images is the process of finding out the real-world location of an image.
While this may not be close to the imagery we have of hacking (a 20-30 something guy with a black hood typing super fast in a dark room), sometimes it is quite useful in the Reconnaissance phase of hacking.
What have I learnt today?
Geolocating images
This lesson was an interesting one…and a weird one. As is mostly practical, I’m going to give you a summarised list of what I have learnt.
You can use reversing image searching tools. The best ones are (in this order):
You can also use EXIF tools to get information (and, luckily, coordinates) from a photo:
The image also contains information. The name of the buildings, streets, a river. Every part in an image can give you extra information to filter places. Keep an eye out for:
- Building and business names (a Mcdonald’s won’t give you too much information, but the University of Galway will).
- Unique landmarks. The Eiffel Tower is a dead giveaway, but also big rivers, mountains, beaches, etc.
- Street name signs (Not only we can learn the name of the street, but the style of the sign can tell us the country).
- Road layouts: Are the people driving on the left or the right of the road?
- Cultural pieces. If you are looking for a mosque, you should start looking for Arab countries. If people are wearing mostly clothes in the Cyrillic alphabet, look for ex-Soviet republic countries.
- License plates (you can find the country, and in the USA, the state the license plate is from).
- Seasonal stuff. Are the people wearing thin and short clothes in August? Look for the northern hemisphere. Are people wearing jackets in August? Look for the southern hemisphere. It is already dark at 3 PM? Look for Scandinavian countries.
Today we have learnt:
- What are the best browsers to geolocate images.
- The methodology and tips to geolocate images.
From 50.660th to 50.436th.
Here is also the Skill Matrix:
Random Room
Other resources
Guide To Using Reverse Image Search For Investigations– Yandex
Google Maps
Online EXIF data viewer