I failed my #100DaysOfCode. After around 70 days of the challenge, I stopped it for just one day. To rest.
10 days later I noticed that I’m wasn’t coming back and I had to drop the idea of learning #Flutter.
But why I did it? How I failed when I was close to finishing it? Or more important
Did I really failed?
#100DaysOfCode | My challenge, Flutter

Flutter is a Dart Framework powered by Google that lets you create Native apps for iOs and Android. With only Dart, we can create iOs and Android native apps. One language, one code, two apps.
That would pair perfectly with my BackEnd and FrontEnd tools (Django and Vue).
By learning Flutter, I can do new things. Learning another BackEnd or FrontEnd framework to do the same as I can do right now, won’t benefit me. So, I decided to learn Flutter.
But, unlike my first #100DaysOfCode challenge, I failed.
Why I stopped doing the challenge

But, as much I like Flutter and how close I was to finishing the challenge, I put it a stop to it.
- Learning Flutter doesn’t give me any benefit right now.
Flutter is great, but I won’t use it right now on my actual job. Not today, not tomorrow, not in one year.
I create the FrontEnd part of web applications for factories and business looking to update to Industry 4.0. We have no need to create web applications.
- Learning Flutter doesn’t give me any benefit in short-middle term
I plan to stay in my current job many months more (unless my boss says the contrary 😃), so there’s no need for me to learn it. And even if I do, I wouldn’t have the time to use it in my own time. I hate to learn something to forget it in 2 or 3 months.
It happened to me a lot.
What I learnt from failure

But that wasn’t for nothing! I have learnt a lot in 70 days!
- I have learnt Dart, a beautiful language: I love Dart because seems to me like a mixture of Javascript and Python, but being strongly typed, with a touch of C#. Other people may disagree, but for me, it feels familiar.
- I understand how Flutter works: I know how Flutter works, how widgets work, how the design works and I can read the code without a problem. And I like it.
- Flutter is the future: Even if I don’t need it now, I know that Flutter is the future. By creating one code you can create both iOs and Android applications, but there are plans (like Humming Bird) to also create web and desktop applications. 4 different applications with just one code! That’s incredible.
But even Flutter being the future, it is not my future. At least, not my short-term future.
Why I didn’t had time for the challenge

I didn’t have time to finish it (nor follow up with Flutter after finishing the challenge) because I was occupied.
Besides improving my Python with Beautiful Soup and Scrapy (new tutorial series coming up this week!), I want to improve my favourite framework. The one I didn’t have time to keep using at my current job nor outside: Django
But also I have been improving my blog by re-editing old posts, titles, improving the SEO and creating new posts and tutorials. Soon you will have available new articles and tutorials for you to learn.
I’m very ambitious about that because I want to help all of you that are reading these lines right now.
I want to provide useful content for you, like Scrapy tutorials, Flask and Django crash courses, teaching you how to use Javascript libraries, how Vue works, and more.
Also, I have been improving my Youtube channel too. I haven’t recorded any video from 6 months until I uploaded a Beautiful Soup 2-parts tutorial.
I plan to make at least two tutorial videos every week, focusing on Python and also Javascript.
If you don’t want to miss anything, subscribe to my channel here.
Also, a new re-design is in progress. New intro and outro videos, logo, thumbnails and more.
Here’s a sneak peek to the new logo:

There’s another #100DaysOfCode in the horizon? When?

Yep. And pretty soon.
As I said, I want to become a good Django programmer. I can do the usual web app with a bit of AJAX and Javascript without a problem, or create basic REST APIs with Authentication and Authorization. But for me, that’s not enough.
I want to learn more. So much more:
I want to learn how to improve Django’s performance and security. How to use Stripe. How to deploy with Docker. I want to create a REST API using WebSockets, with Redis, Django Channels and Celery. To create maps with GeoDjango, learn how to make Push notifications, and more.
Summarizing, I want to level up my Django.
And starting this September 23th, I’ll start on my third #100DaysOfCode with Django.
While I may have failed this #100DaysOfCode challenge, I have learnt a great deal of Flutter and its beautiful language, Dart.
And I want to learn more. This is not my last dance with Flutter. I know it is going to be huge soon.
One of my first 2020 challenges, if not the first, it is going to be Flutter.
But by now, my focus is on Django, my blog and my Youtube channel
And I’m going to create content so you can benefit. You will read it soon.
What about you? What are you learning in #100DaysOfCode?