Want to know what I learnt in the second week of my #100DaysOfCode challenge, after my first week and finishing my first two Vue tutorials?
After Shaun Pelling (The Net Ninja on Youtube) tutorial, I bought Max Schwarzmüller (From
Even being 2 times longer than Shaun’s tutorial, I’m almost done with if in just one week (if it wasn’t New Year I would managed to do it). Vue is familiar to me right now and now I don’t have to spend too much time learning new concepts, just adding more complexity to what I already know.
That being said, Max course is deeper than Shaun’s one as touches more basics (with the drawback of spending more hours to start doing things. Both courses are pretty good and that’s why I have both).
Weekly breakdown:
Day 8
- Set up Vue without Vue Cli
- Methods
- Computed properties
- Binding info to attributes
- Output strings as HTML (v-html)
- Events & Event object
- Watch
- Dynamic Styling CSS
- Exercises
Day 9
- Dynamic Styling CSS
- Conditionals, Loops & Lists
- Reading docs
- Project
- Exercises
Day 10
- Vue-cli
- Components
- Scoped CSS
- Communication between components
- Slots
- Dynamic components
- Exercises
- Documentation
Day 11
- Forms
- Custom directives
- Exercises
- Documentation
Day 12
- Animations
- Transitions
- HTTP access via vue-resource
- Documentation
Day 13
- Router
- State Manager (Vuex)
- Documentation
- Edabit (Python)
Day 14
- Project
- Documentation
- Edabit
Even I’m still fairly new to Vue, I feel pretty confident in what I learnt. When I think that two weeks ago I didn’t
If you want to just start coding, want to learn a new language or framework, or you just want to make a bigger portfolio, I recommend you to step up and do this challenge. You won’t believe what you can learn in just a few days if you are consistent and push yourself.
Next week’s plan
Finish the second tutorial. Start and finish some Vue single-topics Youtube tutorials (
After that, I consider that I know all what I need to know about Vue, so I start creating projects until the end of the challenge. I hope you follow me on my path:
Interesting links
My Twitter account where I document my progress
100DaysOfCode – My Github repo for the challenge (I have one branch per day)
The Udemy course I am doing (Right now at 10€!)
Academind – The teacher’s Youtube channel
Check the Third Week of 100 Days of Code
Edit: I finished the challenge, here’s what I’ve learnt: #100DaysOfCode learning Vue: My Five Ws